Vessels Tolls Calculator

  • - The aim of this calculator is to give an estimate only . and the final result subject to final official invoices received from the local authorities
  • - Currencies (SDR to USD) are updated on a daily basis by data provided from the International Monetary Fund.
  • - The calculator is based on minimum 3 ton crane capacity for all estimates to lift mooring boat .if your vessel is not sufficiently equipped, Please contact us directly to clarify if any extra mooring boat is needed.
  • - The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has implemented a rebate system as an incentive to attract more ships to use the Suez Canal instead of alternative routes. Please contact us directly for more information about rebate system's .
  • N.B : Please contact us directly for any further information or Clarification.

The aim of this calculator is to give an estimate only


Total SDR0
Total USD0
Port & Light0
Port Authority0
Port Police0